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Medicine; Biology; Psychology; African Studies
International index to African health literature and information sources.
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search.ebscohost.com + 1 more source
Biology; Medicine; Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Economics and Business; Earth Sciences
AGRICOLA serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. AGRICOLA is organized into two data sets. The NAL Public Access Catalog contains citations to books, audiovisuals, serials, and other materials. The Article Citation Database contains citations, many with abstracts, to journal articles, book chapters, reports, and reprints.
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Biology; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Engineering; Medicine
"Items in Analytical Abstracts fall into three main categories: Journal articles, technical reports, and books. More than 250 key international journals are scanned regularly by the Analytical Abstracts editorial team. Over 75% of the original material is published in English, with other major languages being French and German, Russian and other eastern European languages, Chinese, and Japanese. Abstracting from non-English-language sources is performed by a panel of chemists with language skills. A small number of other secondary sources are scanned, in order to find items published in more obscure journals or in the non-chemistry literature, for example, environmental, pharmaceutical or geological publications." Inclusive dates: 1980-present.
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Environmental Studies; Biology; Aquatic Sciences; General and Reference Works
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Bacteriology Abstracts indexes journal articles in bacteriology. Over 400 journals are monitored for inclusion in this database, and years of coverage are 1982 to the present. With topics ranging from bacterial immunology and vaccinations to diseases of man and animals, the database provides access to clinical findings as well as pure bacteriology, biochemistry, and genetics. Major areas of coverage include: aggressins and toxins, animal bacteriology, antibacterial agents, cell structure and function, ecology and distribution, genetics and evolution, immunology, microbial symbiosis, plasmids, and bacterial taxonomy.
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The BIOBASE Knowledge Library offers a complete range of high-quality databases, knowledge tools and sophisticated software for the life science industry. The TRANSFAC suite of databases includes TRANSCompel which focuses on composite elements, PathoDB which links gene mutations to their corresponding diseases, and S/MARt DB which is designed to analyze eukaryotic regulatory chromatin domains. TRANSPATH is the signal transduction pathway database for modeling complete regulatory networks. The PROTEOME suite of the six protein databases include YPD, HumanPSD, GPCR-PD, WormPD, MycoPath PD and PombePD, all offering a comprehensive data collection on proteins. The databases feature quality content, comprehensive references, disease information, BioKnowledge Transfer and integrated resources. The ExPlain Analysis System is a tool for expression data analysis designed to investigate the regulation of genes of interest and uses this to construct a regulatory network model. ExPlain is offered in a mammalian focused edition along with a plant targeted release for agricultural researchers.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
The Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD) contains molecule, crystal and crystallization data for macromolecules for which diffraction quality crystals have been obtained. These include proteins and nucleic acids, various complexes, and viruses. The BMCD has been available as NIST Standard Reference Database 21 since 1989, one of the earliest Standard Reference Databases at NIST. The current release includes 43,406 crystal entries, up from 14,372 in the previous release. The new data have been extracted from PDB REMARK 280 records. The data have been converted into scientific format (from aggregate text string to individual, numeric data) with error checking and standardization of chemical names. New search features include automatic synonym searches, numeric range searches for macromolecular concentration, pH, temperature, resolution, and year of publication, and combined searches over multiple fields
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Biology; Environmental Studies
BioOne is a full-text aggregation of bioscience research journals. Most are published by small societies and other not-for-profit organizations. Subjects covered by BioOne journals include ecology, evolution, environmental science, natural history, taxonomy, and systematics.
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Environmental Studies; Science (General); Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
Includes cited references to primary journal literature on biological research, medical research findings, and discoveries of new organisms. It covers original research reports and reviews in botany, zoology, and microbiology, and related fields such as biomedical, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology, and interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology. Available with up to 18 million records to 1926.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Biology
Bird Species of Special Concern (BSSC) Implementation website, a collaboration between PRBO Conservation Science and the California Department of Fish and Game, aims to implement the recommendations detailed in the 2008 BSSC monograph in order to prevent further declines of California's native birds. In addition to the 2008 BSSC report, this site provides access to maps, climate data, and related literature.
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This database provides scientific information for each of the 716 species of birds nesting in the USA and Canada, with image and video galleries showing behaviors, habitat, nests, eggs and nestlings, recordings of bird's songs and calls selected from the collection in Cornell's Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds.
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Biology; Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife
CAB Abstracts indexes journal articles in the applied life sciences. It covers the fields of agriculture, forestry, animal and veterinary sciences, human health and communicable diseases, human nutrition, food science, animal health and welfare, microbiology and parasitology, leisure and tourism, plant science and crop science, and the management and conservation of natural resources. The database indexes literature published from 1910 to the present. Over 9,000 serials representing 125 countries are indexed in full or in part.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Medicine; Other; Biology; Anthropology and Archaeology; Environmental Studies
CAB eBooks provides a unique opportunity to access CABI's prestigious titles in an easy-to use format. Books are indexed and retrievable as chapters. The full front file collection is divided into six core subject collections, constantly updated with the latest titles. The six subject collections comprise: 1. Agriculture 2. Animal & veterinary sciences 3. Environmental sciences 4. Human health, food & nutrition 5. Leisure & tourism 6. Plant sciences. As of May 2009, there were over 420 titles.
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webcsd.ccdc.cam.ac.uk + 1 more source
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
Contains bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction. Records results of single crystal studies and powder diffraction studies which yield 3D atomic coordinate data for at least all non-H atoms. In some cases the CCDC is unable to obtain coordinates and incomplete entries are archived to the CSD. Also includes crystal structure data arising from publications in the open literature and private communications to the CSD (via direct data deposition). The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is distributed as part of the CSD System which includes software for search and information retrieval (ConQuest), structure visualisation (Mercury), numerical analysis (Vista), and database creation (PreQuest). The CSD System also incorporates IsoStar, a knowledge base of intermolecular interactions, containing data derived from both the CSD and the PDB.
At the Library:
Swain » Permanent Reserve » QD921 .C36 2012 in-library use only
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Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Biology
Chemgold III is a complete OHS management tool, enabling the user to manage local and vendor SDSs, create manifests, perform risk assessments, and includes regulatory data, environment modelling and animal and eco-toxicity. Includes Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), documents which provide chemical and safety information about hazardous substances. All chemical manufacturers and importers are required to develop an MSDS for each chemical they produce or import. Because MSDSs are prepared by a variety of manufacturers and importers, the information in each document may vary in both form and content.
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Psychology; Biology
This is a growing collection of searchable electronic texts in the field of cognitive and brain sciences. The CogNet library contains work from both from the MIT Press, as well as links to resources from other publishers, professional associations, institutions, and individuals, offering public access to online work.
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General and Reference Works; Environmental Studies; Science (General); Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Biology; Medicine; Engineering
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A database containing concise chemical and bibliographic data of 26,000 compounds most commonly used by chemists. The data included in each entry includes chemical names and synonyms, including CAS and IUPAC names, trade names, and trivial names; full and clear description of equilibrium studies, cyclic forms, and their derivatives; extensive occurrence and use data; structure diagrams showing stereochemistry and configuration; and physical properties including melting point, optical rotation, and mutarotation data.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Art, Architecture and Design; Biology; Economics and Business; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; News; Medicine; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Language; Law; Political Science; Mathematical Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Science (General); Social Sciences (General); Engineering; History of Science and Technology
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Aims to cover all subjects and languages.
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"DUCKDATA provides a comprehensive bibliography of published literature on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats"--About DUCKDATA screen.

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